Locks per Session

Use this report to view information about the locks on a database server by session.

The report displays the following information for each lock:

User Session ID
The user session ID of the session that holds the lock.
User ID
The user ID for the session that holds the lock.
The number of locks held by the session.
Lock Requests
The number of times that a lock was requested on the session.
Lock Waits
The number of times the session waited for a lock.
Dead Locks
The number of deadlocks on the session. A deadlock is a situation in which two programs block the progress of each other.
Lock Timeouts
The number of locks that timed out on the session.
The name of the database that the session is connected to.
Isolation Level
The isolation level that is set for the database server. The isolation level is the degree to which a program is isolated from the concurrent actions of other programs.
The time of the connection for the session.

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