Tracing Admin

Use this page to review SQL trace statistics and options and to manage the SQL tracing for the database server.

SQL tracing is required for query drill-down in the SQL Explorer. You can use SQL tracing and query drill-down to gather statistical information about each SQL statement that was run and to analyze statement history.

SQL Trace Settings
Specify the options for managing SQL tracing.
Trace state
Turn tracing at the current server on or off or suspend it. Tracing is required for using query drill-down with the SQL Explorer. The default level of tracing is low. Low-level tracing includes statement statistics, statement text, and statement iterators.

Suspending tracing pauses tracing at the server without releasing resources. This option is displayed for IBM® Informix® 11.50.xC3 and later.

Trace mode
Specify whether tracing is done globally or for specific users. This option is displayed for Informix 11.50.xC3 and later.
Global mode
Specifies tracing for all users.
User mode
Specifies tracing for only those users in the User tracing list.
Database tracing
Specify the databases that are traced. This option is displayed for Informix 11.50.xC3 and later.
Show and Hide
Click to display or hide the lists. The settings are not affected when the lists are hidden.
Additional options
Specify the level of detail included in the trace. Select Table names, Database names, and Procedure stacks for medium-level tracing. Select those three options and Host variables for high-level tracing.
Clear trace buffer
Select this option to clear the trace buffer at the server before applying the new settings.
Number of traces
Specify the number of SQL statements to trace before reusing the resources. The range is 500 - 2147483647. The default is 1000.
Trace size per statement (bytes)
Specify the maximum size of the data that is collected for an SQL statement. The range is approximately 512 - 102400 bytes. The low and high limits vary slightly depending on the operating system where the database server is installed. The default is 2 KB. Data that exceeds the maximum trace size for a statement is discarded. The memory required by SQL tracing is large if you keep much historical information. You can expand or reduce the memory required by changing the trace size.

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