
Use this page to review the databases on the database server.

Size of the 6 Largest Databases
The chart displays the proportion of the six largest databases on the database server. Move the cursor over the chart to display the percentage and the number of pages for each database. Click Data to display the number of pages by database.
The table displays the following information for each database. Click a database name to display information about the tables in the database.
The database name.
The collation order that the database uses when sorting or comparing character strings. The value of the collation is a locale; for example, en_US.819, de_de.8859-1, fr_fr.8859-1, or ja_jp.sjis.
Create Date
The date the database was created.
Logging Mode
The log-buffering mechanism that the database uses for transaction logging: buffered, unbuffered, or ANSI-compliant, or no logging.

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