Storage Pool

Use this page to configure the database server to add storage space automatically when more space is needed. Add entries to the storage pool that the server can use to expand a space and set the threshold for expanding a space.

Prerequisite: The storage pool requires IBM® Informix® 11.70.

When you configure the server to add storage space automatically, you use space more effectively and ensure that space is allocated as necessary.

The storage pool contains information about the directories, files, and devices that the database server can use to expand a space. When the server expands a space, it either extends an existing chunk or adds a new chunk to the space. You can also expand a space immediately, when you do not want to wait for the task that expands the space to run.

Storage Pool Information
Space remaining in the fixed entries
The total space remaining in the entries in the storage pool that have a fixed size or end. The space in these entries is displayed in the Space Remaining column.
Number of extendable entries
The number of entries in the storage pool that are extendable. These entries are labeled Extendable in the Space Remaining column.
Automatic Expansion Configuration
Automatic space expansion
Select this option to configure the database server to add storage space automatically when more space is needed. Clear this option to turn off automatic expansion.
Free space threshold
Specify the minimum amount of free space allowed in a storage space before the database server automatically expands the space.
To specify the free space as a percentage of the total space, select Percentage.
To specify the amount in kilobytes, select Size.
To turn off the threshold, select Off. Selecting this option is the same as setting the threshold to zero.
Wait time
Specify the time in seconds that a thread waits for a storage space to expand before the database server returns an out-of-space error.
The path for the file, directory, or device that the server can use when additional storage space is required. Move the cursor over the path to display the full path name.
The offset into the device at which the server can begin allocating space. A zero offset is displayed as 0 B (bytes).
Space Remaining
The size of space remaining in the storage pool entries that have a fixed size or end. The size is displayed in the most appropriate unit; for example, KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), or GB (gigabytes). Expandable entries are labeled.
The status of the storage pool entry:
This storage pool entry is functional. The server can allocate space from this entry.
This storage pool entry contains no more free space. The server cannot allocate space from this entry.
The storage pool entry has errors. The server cannot allocate space from this entry. For more information, review the online message log for messages about the entry. The log contains a specific explanatory message followed by this message: This storage pool entry will be retained, but with an 'Error' status. On the OAT menu, click Logs > Online Messages to display the most recent messages in the online message log for the current server.
The priority of the storage pool entry in the storage space: high, medium, or low. The database server attempts to allocate space from a high-priority entry before it allocates space from a lower priority entry. If all entries have the same priority, the database server attempts to allocate space in all the entries using round-robin scheme.
Chunk Size
The minimum size of a chunk that can be allocated from the storage pool entry.
Last Accessed
The last date and time that the storage pool entry was used.
Click to add an entry to the storage pool.
Click to modify the selected storage pool entry.
Click to delete the selected storage pool entry.

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