Defining a template

Create a template. Specify the tables to use for the template, the database and Enterprise Replication (ER) server in which the tables are located, and the template options.

A template defines a group of master replicates and a replicate set. A template consists of schema information about a database, a group of tables, column attributes, and the primary keys that identify rows.

To define a template:

  1. On the menu of the HCL OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix®, expand Replication, and then click Replicates.
  2. Click the Templates tab.
  3. On the Actions menu, click Define New Template.
  4. Type a name for the template. The name must be unique and cannot be the same as a replicate or replicate set name.
  5. In the Servers list, expand the server names and databases to display the tables.
    Tip: To filter the list, start typing the server name in the Server filter text box and the database name in the Database filter text box.
  6. Select the tables for the template.
    • To add all the tables in a database to the list, select the database in the Tables list, and then click Add.
    • To add a specific table, select the table, and then click Add.
    • To remove a table from the template, select it, and then click Remove, or click Remove All.
  7. To create the template with the default options, click Finish, or click Next to specify any of the following options, and then click Finish.
    • Conflict Resolution Scope. The default is transaction.
    • Conflict Resolution Rule. The default is ignore.
    • Floating Point Format. The default is IEEE.
    • Activate aborted transaction spooling (ATS). By default, ATS is not enabled.
    • Activate row information spooling (RIS). By default, RIS is not enabled.
    • Fire triggers at destination. By default, triggers are not fired at the destination table.
    • Retain deleted rows. By default, deleted rows are not retained.
Now you can instantiate the template on database servers in the ER domain by using the Realize Template action.
Important: To replicate data in an ER domain based on the replicates in the template, you must instantiate the template on at least two servers.

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