Use this page to monitor apply activity for the selected Enterprise Replication (ER) node.
From this page, you can view the following information:
Apply Statistics - node name: Detailed information about the current ER node:
- Receive Queue Size: The size of the current node's receive queue.
- Transactions Processed: The total number of transactions processed by the node.
- Transactions Pending: The total number of transactions pending for the node.
- Total Failures: The total number of failed or aborted transactions for the node.
- Lock Timeouts: The total number of failed transactions that were lock timeouts.
- Rollbacks: The total number of failed transactions that were rollbacks.
- Deadlocks: The total number of failed transactions that were deadlocks.
- ATS File Count: The total number of aborted transaction spooling (ATS) files at the node. Indicates that there might be failed or aborted transactions at the node.
- RIS File Count: The total number of row information spooling (RIS) files at the node. Indicates that there might be failed or aborted transactions at the row level.
- Average Active Apply: Average number of transactions per second applied, at the node.
- Commit Rate:: The number of transactions committed per second, at the node.
- Fail Rate: A weighted average of the number of transaction failures over time, at the node.
- Average Latency: The average amount of time taken to replicate data across all replicates.
- Maximum Latency: The maximum amount of time taken to replicate data across all replicates.
Apply Statistics per Node: Detailed information about each known partner node.
- Source Node: The partner node name.
- NIF State: The network information state;
possible values are:
- Never Connected
- Disconnected
- Timeout
- Logic error
- Start error
- Admin close
- Connected
- Connecting
- Local node
- Connection State: The connection state
of the partner node; possible values are:
- Active Transactions: The number of active transactions from the partner node.
- Pending Transactions: The number of pending transactions from the partner node.
- Total Transactions Processed: The total number of processed transactions that came from the partner node.
- Total Transactions Committed: The total number of committed transactions that came from the partner node.
- Total Transactions Failed: The total number of failed transactions that came from the partner node.
- Average Latency: The average latency of all replicates at the partner node.
- Maximum Latency: The maximum latency of all replicates at the partner node.