
Use this page to monitor data capture activity at the selected Enterprise Replication (ER) node.

You can view the following information:

Capture State
The state of data capture at the current node.
Table 1. Capture state
State Description
Running Log capture is running normally
Down Log capture is not running
Uninitialized The node is not a source server for replication
Current Log Position
The position where the last log was written.
Capture Log Position
The position in the logical log that was last read and where data was last captured for replication. Compare this value to the current log position value to determine if data capture is keeping up with transactions.
Replay Log Position
The position where ER starts rereading the log information in to the log update buffers after a failure. All the transactions generated before this position at all the target servers have been applied by ER or safely stored in the queue.
Important: Ensure that this position is never overwritten to prevent loss of data. If you notice that the replay position is not advancing, check if the queue is full or a if remote server is down.
Total Log Space
The number of used pages and free pages.
Proximity to DDRBLOCK
The number of pages left in the logical log space before user transactions are blocked to prevent log wraps. To prevent DDRBLOCK, you can dynamically add logical log space by using the CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS parameter from the Server Administration > Configuration page.
Proximity to Log Wrap
The number of pages until the logical log wraps and overwrites transactions not captured for replication.
Log Records Captured from Cache
The number of log records that capture has read from the cache
Log Records Captured from Disk
The number of log records that data capture has read from the disk.
Log Cache Overflows
The number of log records discarded because the cache was full.
Log Records not supported by ER
The number of log records that were ignored because they are not recognized by ER.
System Dynamic Logs
The maximum number of dynamic logs that can be requested. Specified by the DYNAMIC_LOGS parameter.
Maximum Dynamic Logs
The maximum number of dynamic logs that ER can request. Specified by the CDR_MAX_DYNMAIC_LOGS and the DYNAMIC_LOGS configuration parameters.
Dynamic Log Requests
The number of times ER has requested additional logs to be created to avoid DDRBLOCK. If this number is approaching the maximum number of logs then the parameter value might have to be changed.

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