Use this page to view and edit the Enterprise Replication (ER) configuration parameters, which are defined in the configuration file for the database server.
To edit the ER parameters, click Edit Configuration.
- CDR_QUEUEMEM: Specifies the maximum amount of memory in KB that is used for the send and receive queues. The minimum is 500.
- CDR_SERIAL: Enables control over generating
values for SERIAL, SERIAL8, and BIGSERIAL primary key columns in replicated
tables so that no conflicting values are generated across multiple
ER nodes. CDR_SERIAL is necessary if the serial column is the primary
key column and no other primary key column, such as a server ID, guarantees
the uniqueness of the primary key.
There are two values:
- delta: The incremental size of the serial column values. This value must be the same on all replication nodes and must be at least the number of expected nodes in the ER domain.
- offset: The offset of the serial value that will be generated. This value must be different on all replication servers and must be between 0 and one less than the value of delta, inclusive.
For example, 5,0 results in values for the serial column of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and so on; 5,1 results in values of 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, and so on.
By default, CDR_SERIAL is set to 0 to disable control over generating serial values.
- CDR_EVALTHREADS: Specifies the number of
grouper evaluator threads to create when ER starts and enables parallelism.
There are two values:
- The number of evaluator threads per CPU VP.
- The number of additional evaluator threads.
For example, 1,2 specifies 1 evaluator thread per CPU VP, plus 2 additional threads.
- CDR_NIFCOMPRESS: Specifies the level of
network interface compression that the database server uses before
sending data from the source database server to the target database
The values are:
- -1: No compression
- 0: Compress if the target node expects compression
- 1-9: Increasing levels of compression
The compression values determine how much memory can be used to store information while compressing, as follows:- 0: No additional memory
- 1: 128k + 1k = 129k
- 2: 128k + 2k = 130k
- 3: 128k + 4k = 132k
- 4: 128k + 8k = 136k
- 5: 128k + 16k = 144k
- 6: 128k + 32k = 160k
- 7: 128k + 64k = 192k
- 8: 128k + 128k = 256k
- 9: 128k + 256k = 384k
- CDR_DSLOCKWAIT: Specifies the number of seconds the data synchronization component waits for database locks to be released. This parameter is used by ER while applying data at the target database. If you are experiencing failures due to locking problems, increase the value.
- CDR_APPLY: Specifies the minimum and maximum number of data sync threads that are dynamically allocated as needed in the format minimum threads, maximum threads. By default, ER allocates a range of one to four data sync threads for each CPU VP. This parameter is not dynamically configurable. This parameter requires IBM® Informix® 11.50.xC5 or later.
- CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC: Specifies how long
to retain the delete tables to support the delete wins conflict resolution
rule. This parameter requires IBM
Informix 11.70.
The range of values for time are 0 and positive integers. The values for the units are:
- S: Seconds
- M: Minutes
- H: hours
- D: days
Logical Logs
- LTXEHWM: Specifies the threshold for the long-transaction, exclusive-access, high-watermark. When the logical-log space reaches this threshold, the long transaction currently being rolled back is given exclusive access to the logical log. If your system runs out of log space before the rollback is completed, lower the LTXEHWM value.
- LTXHWM: Specifies the long-transaction high-watermark, the percentage of available log space that, when filled, triggers the database server to check for a long transaction.
- DYNAMIC_LOGS: Specifies whether the database
server automatically allocates a new file when the next active log
file contains an open transaction.
The values are:
- 0: Turn off dynamic-log allocation.
- 1: Set off the "log file required" alarm and pause to allow manual addition of a logical-log file.
- 2: Turn on dynamic-log allocation. When the database server dynamically adds a log file, it sets off the "dynamically added log file" alarm.
- CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS: Specifies the number
of dynamic log file requests that ER can make in one server session.
The values are:
- -1: Add dynamic log files indefinitely.
- 0: Disable dynamic log addition.
- >0: The number of dynamic logs that can be added.
- CDR_LOG_LAG_ACTION: Specifies how ER responds
to a potential log wrap situation. This parameter requires IBM
Informix 11.70.
Combine multiple values with +. The values are:
- logstage: Enable compressed logical log staging.
- dlog: Enable the dynamic addition of logical logs.
- ignore: Ignore the potential for log wrapping.
- drblock: Block client applications update activity.
- shutdown: Shut down ER on the affected server.
- CDR_LOG_STAGING_MAXSIZE: Specifies the maximum amount of space that ER uses to stage compressed log files in KB (default), MB, GB, or TB. This parameter requires IBM Informix 11.70.
Disk Usage
The disk usage parameters are not editable on this page.
- CDR_DBSPACE: Specifies the dbspace where the syscdrs database is created. The syscdrs database stores the ER catalog information. If this parameter is not set, the root dbspace is used.
- CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE: Specifies the dbspace
that ER uses to store the transaction record headers spooled from
the send and receive queues.
By default, ER stores the transaction record headers in the root dbspace.
- CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE: Specifies the list of
up to 32 names of sbspaces that ER uses to store spooled transaction
row data. At least one sbspace name must be specified. Each sbspace
name can be up to 128 characters. Use commas to separate the names
in the list.
ER creates one smart large object per transaction. If CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE is configured for multiple sbspaces, ER uses all appropriate sbspaces in round-robin order.
- SBSPACETEMP: Specifies the name of the default temporary sbspace for storing temporary smart large objects without metadata or user-data logging. If the default temporary sbspace is defined, ER uses it for paging.
- SBSPACENAME: Specifies the name of the default sbspace. If the default sbspace is defined, ER uses it for paging.
- CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN: Specifies the data sync error and warning code numbers to be suppressed in ATS and RIS files. For example, you can set CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN to 2-5, 7 to suppress the generation of error and warning messages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7.
- ATS directory: Specifies the directory
in which the Aborted Transaction Spooling (ATS) files are stored.
- Disable ATS file generation: Do not generate ATS files on this server.
- Generate the ATS files in the temporary directory: Store the ATS files in the /tmp directory on UNIX systems and in the %INFORMIXDIR%\tmp directory on Windows systems.
- Generate the ATS files in this directory: Enter the complete path for an existing directory in which to store the ATS files.
- RIS directory: Specifies the directory
in which the Row Information Spooling (RIS) files are stored.
- Disable RIS file generation: Do not generate RIS files on this server.
- Generate the RIS files in the temporary directory: Store the RIS files in the /tmp directory on UNIX systems and in the %INFORMIXDIR%\tmp directory on Windows systems.
- Generate the RIS files in this directory: Enter the complete path for an existing directory in which to store the RIS files.
- ATS and RIS file format
- Text: Generate text files that ER can process during a repair operation.
- XML: Generate XML files that you can use if you write your own custom repair scripts.
- Both: Generate text files and XML files.
- ENCRYPT_CDR: Sets the level of encryption
for ER.
The values are:
- 0: Do not encrypt.
- 1: Encrypt when possible. Encryption is used for ER transactions only when the database server being connected to also supports encryption.
- 2: Always encrypt. Only connections to encrypted database servers are allowed.
If you use both encryption and compression, by setting the CDR_NIFCOMPRESS configuration parameter, then compression occurs before encryption.
- ENCRYPT_CIPHERS: Defines all the ciphers and modes that can be used by the current database session.
- ENCRYPT_MAC: Controls the level of message
authentication code (MAC) generation.
The values are one or more of the following, separated by commas:
- off: Do not use MAC generation.
- low: Use XOR folding on all messages.
- medium: Use SHA1 MAC generation for all messages greater than 20 bytes long and XOR folding on smaller messages.
- high: Use SHA1 MAC generation on all messages.
For example: medium,high.
- ENCRYPT_MACFILE: Specifies a list of the
full path names of message authentication code (MAC) key files.
The values are one or more full path and file names separated by commas, and the optional builtin keyword.
For example: /usr/local/bin/mac1.dat, /usr/local/bin/mac2.dat,builtin
- ENCRYPT_SWITCH: Defines the frequency at
which ciphers or secret keys are renegotiated; that is the cipher
switch time and the key switch time.
There are two values:
- cipher switch time: The number of minutes between cipher renegotiation.
- key switch time: The number of minutes between secret key renegotiation.
The default for both renegotiations is 60 minutes; that is 60,60.