Define Replicate Set
Use this page to create a new replicate set.
Replicate set name
Type a name for the replicate set. The name must be unique in the Enterprise Replication (ER) domain, and it cannot be the same as a replicate name.
Available Replicates
This list displays the replicates in the current ER domain that are not part of an exclusive replicate set.
To filter the Available Replicates list, enter any part of the replicate name in the text box below the list, and then click Apply Filter.
This Replicate Set
This list displays the replicates that are selected for the new replicate set.
- To add replicates to the list, select them in the Available Replicates list, and then click Add, or click Add All.
- To remove replicates from the list, select them, and then click Remove, or click Remove All.
Specify whether this replicate set is an exclusive replicate set.
Exclusive replicate sets guarantee referential integrity between tables when you use any form of time-based replication.
Next or Finish
Create the replicate set with the default option for replication frequency, or specify the option. The default is that replication occurs immediately when data arrives.
- To create the replicate set with the default option for replication frequency, click Finish.
- To specify the frequency option, click Next.