
Use this page to view information about Enterprise Replication (ER) replicates and participants, define new replicates, modify replicates, delete replicates, or manage the state of replicates.


This table displays the replicates that are visible to the current server. The table displays the following information for each replicate:

  • Name: Expand the name of a replicate to display information about the participants.
  • Exclusive: An indicator of whether the replicate belongs to an exclusive replicate set.
  • State: The state of the replicate.
    • Active: ER captures data from the logical log on the source server and transmits it to the active participants on the target servers. A replicate is active if at least one participant in the replicate is active.
    • Inactive: No database changes are captured, transmitted, or processed.
    • Suspended: The replicate captures and accumulates database changes, but does not transmit any of the captured data.
  • Active Participants: The number of active participants out of the total number of participants defined for this replicate. To display the list of participants and their states, expand the name of the replicate.
  • Conflict: The conflict resolution rule which determines how conflicts between replicated transactions are resolved.
    • Always apply: ER does not attempt to detect or resolve conflicts. Replicated changes are applied even if the operations are not the same on the source and target servers.
    • Ignore: ER does not attempt to detect or resolve conflicts. A row or transaction either applies successfully or it fails. A row might fail to replicate because of standard database reasons, such as a deadlock situation, when an application locks rows.
    • Time stamp: ER evaluates the latest time stamp of the replication against the target and determines how to resolve any conflict. If the time stamps are identical, ER can use a stored procedure that you provide to resolve the conflict.
    • Stored procedure: ER uses a stored procedure that you provide to determine which data is applied.
    • Delete wins: Delete and insert operations always win over update operations. All other conflicts are resolved by comparing time stamps.
  • Created: The date and time that the replicate was created.
  • Modified: The date and time that the replicate was last modified.
  • Type: An indicator of whether this replicate is a strict master replicate. With the Modify Replicate action, you can modify a strict master replicate and its participants. A strict master replicate verifies that replicated tables on different servers have consistent column data types and identical column names.


Expand a replicate to display the participants. The following information is displayed for each participant:

  • Type: The participant type:
    • Primary: The participant both sends and receives replicated data.
    • Receive-only: The participant only receives data from primary participants.
  • Privileges: The user whose privileges are used to apply the replicated data:
    • Table owner
    • User informix
  • State: The state of the participant:
    • Active: ER captures data from the logical log on the source server and transmits it to the active participants on the target servers.
    • Inactive: No database changes are captured, transmitted, or processed.
    • Suspended: Data is captured and accumulated, but not transmitted to other participants.
  • Server Group: The ER database server group for this participant.
  • Database: The database that includes the table to be replicated.
  • Owner: The owner of the replicated table.
  • Table: The name of the replicated table.
  • Modifier: The statement that specifies the rows and columns that are replicated.


Click the Actions menu to define or work with a replicate.

  • Define New Replicate: Define a new replicate for the domain.
  • Modify Replicate: Add or remove participants or change replicate attributes.
  • Start Replicate: Start a replicate that is inactive. This action is enabled when a replicate that has at least one inactive participant is selected.
  • Stop Replicate: Stop a replicate that is active. This action is enabled when a replicate that has at least one active participant is selected.
  • Suspend Replicate: Suspend a replicate that is active. This action is enabled when a replicate that has at least one active participant is selected.
  • Resume Replicate: Return a suspended replicate to an active state. This action is enabled when a replicate that has at least one suspended participant is selected.
  • Check or Sync Replicate: Check for data inconsistencies between a reference server and target servers, repair data inconsistencies, or synchronize data to repair inconsistencies.
  • Delete Replicate: Remove the selected replicate from the domain. All replication data for the replicate is purged from the send queue at all participating database servers.

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