Health Advisor: Profile
Use this page to select a profile and to add, modify, and delete profiles.
Informix® Health Advisor Plug-in for OAT analyzes the state of the Informix database server. The Health Advisor plug-in gathers information about the database server, the databases, and the operating system, and creates a report that contains the results and recommendations.
A profile is a configuration of the Health Advisor that specifies the checks that are enabled and their thresholds. You can schedule a task to run the checks in a profile at specific times. You can specify who receives an email notification of the results.
- Run Health Advisor
- Use this button to run the Health Advisor on demand with the current profile. The report is displayed in a new browser window.
- Current Profile
- The profile that is loaded. Any changes that you make to the alarms, the schedule, or the notification options are saved in this profile.
- Profile Management
- The list displays the profiles that are configured for the current database server. To change the current profile, select a profile in the list and click Load. To add a profile, type a unique name for the profile in the text box and click Add.
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