Transfer data

Among data sources that use the same DBMS, you can safely transfer data in the internal form that a DBMS uses.

For a particular piece of data, the SQL data types must be the same in the source and target data sources. The C data type is SQL_C_BINARY.

When you call SQLFetch, SQLExtendedFetch, or SQLGetData to retrieve this data from a data source, HCL Informix® ODBC Driver retrieves the data and transfers it, without conversion, to a storage location of type SQL_C_BINARY. When you call SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, or SQLPutData to send this data to a target data source, HCL Informix ODBC Driver retrieves the data from the storage location and transfers it, without conversion, to the target data source.

The binary representation of INT8, SERIAL8, and BIGSERIAL data types is an array of two unsigned long integers followed by a short integer that indicates the sign field. The sign field is 1 for a positive value, -1 for a negative value, or 0 for a null value.

Important: Applications that transfer any data (except binary data) in this manner are not interoperable among DBMSs.

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