Applications can set the SQL_INFX_ATTR_LO_AUTOMATIC attribute to value SQL_TRUE or SQL_FALSE.

This attribute can be set and unset at connection and statement level. All the statements allocated under the same connection inherit this value. Alternatively each statement can change this attribute. By default this attribute is set to SQL_FALSE.

An application can change the value of this attribute by using SQLSetConnectAttr and SQLSetStmtAttr (SQLSetConnectOption and SQLSetStmtOption in ODBC 2.x). Applications can retrieve the values set by using SQLGetConnectAttr and SQLGetStmtAttr (SQLGetConnectOption and SQLGetStmtOption in ODBC 2.x).

The attribute SQL_INFX_ATTR_LO_AUTOMATIC cannot be set to SQL_FALSE when SQL_INFX_ATTR_ODBC_TYPES_ONLY is set to SQL_TRUE. An error message is returned that reports the following message:
Attribute cannot be set. ODBC types only should be OFF to set this value

Applications should first set the attribute SQL_INFX_ODBC_TYPES_ONLY to SQL_FALSE and then set the attribute SQL_INFX_ATTR_LO_AUTOMATIC to SQL_FALSE.

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