Data structures for smart large objects

Because a smart large object can be huge, HCL Informix® has two alternatives to store the content of a smart large object.

Therefore, instead of storing the content of a smart large object in a database table, HCL Informix does the following:
  • Stores the content of the smart large object in an sbspace
  • Stores a pointer to the smart large object in the database table
Because a smart large object can be huge, the HCL Informix ODBC Driver application cannot receive a smart large object in a variable. Instead, the application sends or receives information about the smart large object in a data structure. The following table describes the data structures that HCL Informix ODBC Driver uses for smart large objects.
Data structure Name Description
lofd Smart-large-object file descriptor Provides access to a smart large object. Uses a file descriptor to access smart-large-object data as if it were in an operating-system file.
loptr Smart-large-object pointer structure Provides security information and a pointer to a smart large object. This structure is the data that the database server stores in a database table for a smart large object. Therefore, SQL statements such as INSERT and SELECT accept a smart-large-object pointer structure as a value for a column or a parameter that has a data type of smart large object.
lospec Smart-large-object specification structure Specifies the storage characteristics for a smart large object.
lostat Smart-large-object status structure Stores status information for a smart large object. Normally you can fetch a user-defined data type (UDT) in either binary or character representation. However, it is not possible to convert a smart-large-object status structure to character representation. Therefore, you need to use SQL_C_BINARY as the HCL Informix ODBC Driver C data type for lostat.
Restriction: These data structures are opaque to HCL Informix ODBC Driver applications and their internal structures might change. Therefore, do not access the internal structures directly. Use the smart-large-object client functions to manipulate the data structures.

The application is responsible for allocating space for these smart-large-object data structures.

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