Using system-specified storage characteristics

HCL Informix® uses one set of storage characteristics as the system-specified storage characteristics.

HCL Informix uses one of the following sets of storage characteristics:
  • If the sbspace in which the smart large object is stored specifies a value for a particular storage characteristic, the database server uses the sbspace value as the system-specified storage characteristic.

    The database administrator can use the onspaces utility to define storage characteristics for an sbspace.

  • If the sbspace in which the smart large object is stored does not specify a value for a particular storage characteristic, the database server uses the system default as the system-specified storage characteristic.

    The database server defines the system defaults for storage characteristics internally. However, you can specify a default sbspace name with the SBSPACENAME configuration parameter in the onconfig file. Also, an application call to ifx_lo_col_info() or ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() can supply the target sbspace in the smart-large-object specification structure.

Important: An error occurs if the SBSPACENAME configuration parameter is not specified and the smart-large-object specification structure does not contain the name of the target sbspace.

It is recommended that you use the system-specified storage characteristics for the disk-storage information. For more information about sbspaces and the description of the onspaces utility, see your IBM® Informix Administrator's Guide.

To use system-specified storage characteristics for a new smart large object:

  1. Call ifx_lo_def_create_spec() to allocate a smart-large-object specification structure and to initialize the structure to null values.
  2. Call ifx_lo_create() to create an instance of the smart large object.

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