Select smart large objects using the ODBC API

When you select a CLOB data type, the application binds the C type of the column as SQL_C_CHAR. When you select a BLOB data type, the C type is bound as SQL_C_BINARY.

HCL Informix® ODBC Driver selects smart large objects in the following way:
  • The driver sends a request to the database server to open the smart large object as a file on the server side.
  • The driver gets back the file descriptor (for example, lofd) of this file from the database server.
  • The driver sends the preceding lofd and a read request to the database server to read the smart-large-object data from the file.
  • The database server reads the data from the corresponding file by using the preceding lofd and sends it to the driver.
  • The driver writes the data to the buffer that was bound by the application with SQLBindParameter.

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