Modify a row or collection

HCL Informix® ODBC Driver provides functions that can be used to modify rows and collections.

The following table provides an overview of the functions that HCL Informix ODBC Driver provides for modifying rows and collections.
Function Modification Row Collection
ifx_rc_delete() Delete an element No Yes
ifx_rc_insert() Insert an element No Yes (See the following table.)
ifx_rc_setnull() Set the row or collection to null Yes Yes
ifx_rc_update() Update the value of an element Yes Yes
The following table describes the collection locations into which you can insert an element. You can insert an element only at the end of a SET or MULTISET collection because elements in these types of collections do not have ordered positions.
  Beginning Middle End
List Yes Yes Yes
Multiset No No Yes
Set No No Yes
Tip: If you only need to insert or update a row or collection column with literal values, you do not need to use a row or collection buffer. Instead, you can explicitly list the literal value in either the INTO clause of the INSERT statement or the SET clause of the UPDATE statement.
Each row and collection maintains a seek position that points to the current element in the row or collection. When the row or collection is created, the seek position points to the first element that is in the row or collection. All calls to client functions share the same seek position for a row or collection buffer. Therefore, one client function can affect the seek position for another client function that uses the same buffer handle. The following table describes how client functions use and modify the seek position.
Client function Acts on Changes
ifx_rc_delete() At the specified position Sets the seek position to the position after the one that was deleted
ifx_rc_fetch() At the specified position Sets the seek position to the specified position
ifx_rc_insert() Before the specified position Sets the seek position to the specified position
ifx_rc_update() At the specified position Sets the seek position to the specified position

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