The ifx_lo_specget_sbspace() function

The ifx_lo_specget_sbspace() function gets the sbspace name from a smart-large-object specification structure.


ifx_lo_specget_sbspace(lospec, sbspace)


The function accepts the following arguments.
Argument Type Use Description
lospec SQL_INFX_UDT_FIXED Input Smart-large-object specification structure
sbspace SQL_CHAR Output Name of the sbspace for the smart large object. An sbspace name can be up to 18 characters long and must be null terminated.


The ifx_lo_specget_sbspace() function returns the name of the sbspace in which to store the smart large object. The function copies up to (pcbValue-1) bytes into the sbspace buffer and makes sure that it is null terminated. pcbValue is an argument for SQLBindParameter() and SQLBindCol().

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