The ifx_lo_specset_estbytes() function

The ifx_lo_specset_estbytes() function sets the estimated number of bytes in a smart-large-object specification structure.


ifx_lo_specset_estbytes(lospec, estbytes)


The function accepts the following arguments.
Argument Type Use Description
lospec SQL_INFX_UDT_FIXED Input Smart-large-object specification structure
estbytes SQL_BIGINT Input Estimated final size of the smart large object, in bytes. This estimate is an optimization hint for the smart large object optimizer. This value cannot exceed 2 gigabytes.

If you do not specify an estbytes value when you create a new smart large object, the database server gets the value from the inheritance hierarchy of storage characteristics.

Do not change this system value unless you know the estimated size for the smart large object. If you do set the estimated size for a smart large object, do not specify a value much higher than the final size of the smart large object. Otherwise, the database server might allocate unused storage.

Instead of using the default HCL Informix® ODBC Driver C data type of SQL_C_CHAR for estbytes, use SQL_C_LONG or SQL_C_SHORT.


The ifx_lo_specset_estbytes() function sets the estimated number of bytes in a smart-large-object specification structure.

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