The ifx_lo_specset_extsz() function

The ifx_lo_specset_extsz() function sets the allocation extent size in a smart-large-object specification structure.


ifx_lo_specset_extsz(lospec, extsz)


The function accepts the following arguments.
Argument Type Use Description
lospec SQL_INFX_UDT_FIXED Input Smart-large-object specification structure
extsz SQL_INTEGER Input Extent size of the smart large object, in bytes. This value specifies the size of the allocation extents to be allocated for the smart large object when the database server writes beyond the end of the current extent. This value overrides the estimate that the database server generates for how large an extent should be.

If you do not specify an extsz value when you create a new smart large object, the database server attempts to optimize the extent size based on past operations on the smart large object and other storage characteristics (such as maximum bytes) that it obtains from the inheritance hierarchy of storage characteristics.

Do not change this system value unless you know the allocation extent size for the smart large object. Only applications that encounter severe storage fragmentation should ever set the allocation extent size. For such applications, make sure that you know exactly the number of bytes by which to extend the smart large object.


The ifx_lo_specset_extsz() function sets the allocation extent size in a smart-large-object specification structure.

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