The ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() function

The ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() function sets the sbspace name in a smart-large-object specification structure.


ifx_lo_specset_sbspace(lospec, sbspace)


The function accepts the following arguments.
Argument Type Use Description
lospec SQL_INFX_UDT_FIXED Input Smart-large-object specification structure
sbspace SQL_CHAR Input Name of the sbspace for the smart large object. An sbspace name can be up to 18 characters long and must be null terminated. If you do not specify an sbspace when you create a new smart large object, the database server obtains the sbspace name from either the column information or from the SBSPACENAME parameter of the onconfig file.


The ifx_lo_specset_sbspace() function uses pcbValue to determine the length of the sbspace name. pcbValue is an argument for SQLBindParameter() and SQLBindCol().

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