Deprecated and new HCL Informix ODBC Driver APIs

In Version 4.10, numerous ODBC APIs have been deprecated and their functionality transferred to new APIs.

Only the name has been changed; no functionality has changed. The following table lists the deprecated and new APIs.
Table 1. Deprecated and new ODBC APIs
Deprecated ODBC APIs New ODBC APIs
SQLAllocConnect SQLAllocHandle
SQLAllocEnv SQLAllocHandle
SQLAllocStmt SQLAllocHandle
SQLColAttributes SQLColAttribute
SQLError SQLGetDiagRec
SQLExtendedFetch SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll
SQLFreeConnect SQLFreeHandle
SQLFreeEnv SQLFreeHandle
SQLFreeStmt SQLFreeHandle
SQLGetConnectOption SQLGetConnectAttr
SQLGetStmtOption SQLGetStmtAttr
SQLSetConnectOption SQLSetConnectAttr
SQLSetPos SQLBulkOperations
SQLSetStmtOption SQLSetStmtAttr
SQLTransact SQLEndTran

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