SQLBindCol (core level only)

SQLBindCol assigns the storage and HCL Informix® ODBC Driver C data type for a column in a result set.

The SQLBindCol assigns the storage as follows:
  • A storage buffer that receives the contents of a column of data
  • The length of the storage buffer
  • A storage location that receives the actual length of the column of data returned by the fetch operation
  • Data type conversion from the Informix SQL data type to the Informix ODBC driver C data type
The following table describes the SQLSTATE and error values for SQLBindCol.
SQLSTATE Error value Error message
01000 -11001 General warning
S1000 -11060 General error
S1001 -11061 Memory-allocation failure
S1002 -11062 Invalid column number
S1003 -11063 Program type out of range
S1010 -11067 Function-sequence error
S1090 -11071 Invalid string or buffer length
S1C00 -11092 Driver not capable
Important: An application can call SQLBindCol to bind a column to a new storage location, regardless of whether data has already been fetched. The new binding replaces the old binding for bookmark columns as well as other bound columns. The new binding does not apply to data already fetched; it takes effect the next time SQLFetch, SQLExtendedFetch, or SQLSetPos is called.

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