SQLBindParameter (level one only)

SQLBindParameter binds a buffer to a parameter marker in an SQL statement.

The following table describes the SQLSTATE and error values for SQLBindParameter.
SQLSTATE Error value Error message
01000 -11001 General warning
07006 -11013 Restricted data type attribute violation
S1000 -11060 General error
S1001 -11061 Memory-allocation failure
S1003 -11063 Program type out of range
S1004 -11064 SQL data type out of range
S1009 -11066 Invalid argument value
S1010 -11067 Function-sequence error
S1090 -11071 Invalid string or buffer length
S1093 -11074 Invalid parameter number
S1094 -11075 Invalid scale value
S1104 -11084 Invalid precision value
S1105 -11085 Invalid parameter type
S1C00 -11092 Driver not capable

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