SQLProcedureColumns (level two only)

SQLProcedureColumns returns the list of input and output parameters, as well as the columns that make up the result set for the specified procedures.

The driver returns the information as a result set on the specified hstmt.

The following table describes the SQLSTATE and error values for SQLProcedureColumns.
SQLSTATE Error value Error message
01000 -11001 General warning
08S01 -11020 Communication link failure
24000 -11031 Invalid cursor state
IM001 -11040 Driver does not support this function
S1000 -11060 General error
S1001 -11061 Memory-allocation failure
S1008 -11065 Operation canceled
S1010 -11067 Function sequence error
S1090 -11071 Invalid string or buffer length
S1C00 -11092 Driver not capable
S1T00 -11094 Time-out expired
S1C00 -11300 SQL_DEFAULT_PARAM not supported
08S01 -11301 A protocol error has been detected. Current connection is closed.
S1000 -11310 Create and Drop must be executed within a ServerOnly Connection
S1000 -11320 Syntax error
S1000 -11323 The statement contained an escape clause not supported by this database driver

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