Ways to measure throughput

The best way to measure throughput for an application is to include code in the application that logs the time stamps of transactions as they commit.

If your application does not provide support for measuring throughput directly, you can obtain an estimate by tracking the number of COMMIT WORK statements that the database server logs during a given time interval. You can use the onlog utility to obtain a listing of logical-log records that are written to log files. You can use information from this command to track insert, delete, and update operations as well as committed transactions. However, you cannot obtain information stored in the logical-log buffer until that information is written to a log file.

If you need more immediate feedback, you can use onstat -p to gather an estimate. You can use the SET LOG statement to set the logging mode to unbuffered for the databases that contain tables of interest. You can also use the trusted auditing facility in the database server to record successful COMMIT WORK events or other events of interest in an audit log file. Using the auditing facility can increase the overhead involved in processing any audited event, which can reduce overall throughput.

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