Monitoring sbspaces with onstat -g smb
The onstat -g smb s option displays sbspace attributes.
- Logging status
If applications are updating temporary smart large objects, logging is not required. You can turn off logging to reduce the amount of I/O activity to the logical log, CPU utilization, and memory resources.
- Average smart-large-object size
Average size and extent size should be similar to reduce the number of I/O operations required to read in an entire smart large object. The avg s/kb output field shows the average smart-large-object size in kilobytes. In Figure 1, the avg s/kb output field shows the value 30 kilobytes.
Specify the final size of the smart large object in either of the following functions to allocate the object as a single extent:
- The DataBlade API mi_lo_specset_estbytes function
- The Informix® ESQL/C ifx_lo_specset_estbytes function
For more information about the functions to open a smart large object and to set the estimated number of bytes, see the IBM® Informix ESQL/C Programmer's Manual and IBM Informix DataBlade API Programmer's Guide.
- First extent size, next extent size, and minimum extent size
The 1st sz/p, nxt sz/p, and min sz/p output fields show these extent sizes if you set the extent tags in the -Df option of onspaces. In Figure 1, these output fields show values of 0 and -1 because these tags are not set in onspaces.
sbnum 7 address 2afae48
Space : flags nchk owner sbname
-------- 1 informix client
LO : ud b/pg flags flags avg s/kb max lcks
2048 0 -------- 30 -1
Ext/IO : 1st sz/p nxt sz/p min sz/p mx io sz
4 0 0 -1
HdrCache : max free
512 0