Changing storage characteristics of smart large objects
When you create an sbspace, but do not specify values in the -Df option of the onspaces -c -S command, you use the defaults for the storage characteristics and attributes (such as logging and buffering). After you monitor sbspaces, you might want to change the storage characteristics, logging status, lock mode, or other attributes for new smart large objects.
- The database administrator can use one of the following onspaces options:
- Specify values when the sbspace is first created with the onspaces -c -S command.
- Change values after the sbspace is created with the onspaces -ch command.
Specify these values in the tag options of the -Df option of onspaces. For more information about the onspaces utility, see the IBM® Informix Administrator's Reference.
- The database administrator can specify values in the PUT clause
of the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements.
These values override the values in the onspaces utility and are valid only for smart large objects that are stored in the associated column of the specific table. Other smart large objects (from columns in other tables) might also reside in this same sbspace. These other columns continue to use the storage characteristics and attributes of the sbspace that onspaces defined (or the default values, if onspaces did not define them) unless these columns also used a PUT clause to override them for a particular column.
If you do not specify the storage characteristics for a smart-large-object column in the PUT clause, they are inherited from the sbspace.
If you do not specify the PUT clause when you create a table with smart-large-object columns, the database server stores the smart large objects in the system default sbspace, which is specified by the SBSPACENAME configuration parameter in the ONCONFIG file. In this case, the storage characteristics and attributes are inherited from the SBSPACENAME sbspace.
- Programmers can use functions in the DataBlade API and Informix® ESQL/C to
alter storage characteristics for a smart-large-object column.
For information about the DataBlade API functions for smart large objects, see the IBM Informix DataBlade API Programmer's Guide. For information about the Informix ESQL/C functions for smart large objects, see the IBM Informix ESQL/C Programmer's Manual.
Table 1 summarizes the ways to alter the storage characteristics for a smart large object.
Storage Character-istic or Attribute | System Default Value | System-Specified Storage Characteristics Specified by -Df Option in onspaces Utility | Column-Level Storage Characteristics Specified by PUT clause of CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE | Storage Characteris-tics Specified by a DataBlade API Function | Storage Characteris-tics Specified by an ESQL/C Function |
Lock mode | BLOB | LOCK_MODE | No | Yes | Yes |
Logging status | OFF | LOGGING | LOG, NO LOG | Yes | Yes |
Data integrity | HIGH INTEG | No | HIGH INTEG, MODERATE INTEG | Yes | No |
Size of extent | None | EXTENT_SIZE | EXTENT SIZE | Yes | Yes |
Size of next extent | None | NEXT_SIZE | No | No | No |
Minimum extent size | 2 kilobytes on Windows 4 kilobytes on UNIX | MIN_EXT_SIZE | No | No | No |
Size of smart large object | 8 kilobytes | Average size of all smart large objects in sbspace: AVG_LO_SIZE | No | Estimated size of a particular smart large object Maximum size of a particular smart large object | Estimated size of a particular smart large object Maximum size of a particular smart large object |
Buffer pool usage | ON | BUFFERING | No | LO_BUFFER and LO_ NOBUFFER flags | LO_BUFFER and LO_ NOBUFFER flags |
Name of sbspace | SBSPACE-NAME | Not in -Df option. Name specified in onspaces -S option. | Name of an existing sbspace in which a smart large object resides: PUT ... IN clause | Yes | Yes |
Fragmenta-tion across multiple sbspaces | None | No | Round-robin distribution scheme: PUT ... IN clause | Round-robin or expression-based distribution scheme | Round-robin or expression-based distribution scheme |