Graph-tool graph menu

The Graph menu contains options for creating, opening, saving the contents of, printing the contents of, annotating, and closing a graph tool.

The Graph menu provides the following options.

Creates a new graph tool. All graph tools that you create using this option share the same data-collector and onperf processes. To create new graph tools, use this option rather than invoke onperf multiple times.
Open History File
Loads a previously saved file of historical data into the graph tool for viewing. If the file does not exist, onperf prompts you for one. When you select a file, onperf starts a playback process to view the file.
Save History File
Saves the contents of the data-collector buffer to either an ASCII or a binary file, as specified in the Configuration dialog box.
Save History File As
Specifies the filename in which to save the contents of the data-collector buffer.
Brings up a dialog box in which you can enter a header label and a footer label. Each label is optional. The labels are displayed on the graph. When you save the graph configuration, onperf includes these labels in the saved configuration file.
Brings up a dialog box that allows you to select a destination file. You cannot send the contents of the graph tool directly to a printer; you must use this option to specify a file and subsequently send the file to a printer.
Closes the tool. When a tool is the last remaining tool of the onperf session, this menu item behaves in the same way as the Exit option.
Exits onperf.
Important: To save your current configuration before you load a new configuration from a file, you must choose Configure > Save Configuration or Configure > Save Configuration As.

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