Tblspace metrics

The onperf utility can display metrics for a particular tblspace.

A tblspace name is composed of the database name, a colon, and the table name (database:table).

For fragmented tables, the tblspace represents the sum of all fragments in a table. To obtain measurements for an individual fragment in a fragmented table, use the Fragment Metric class.
Metric Name Description
Lock Requests Total requests to lock tblspace
Lock Waits Number of times that threads waited to obtain a lock for the tblspace
Deadlocks Number of times that a deadlock involved the tblspace
Deadlock Timeouts Number of times that a deadlock timeout involved the tblspace
Reads Number of read calls that involve the tblspace
Writes Number of write calls that involve the tblspace
Rewrites Number of rewrite calls that involve the tblspace
Deletes Number of delete calls that involve the tblspace
Calls Total calls that involve the tblspace
Buffer Reads Number of buffer reads that involve tblspace data
Buffer Writes Number of buffer writes that involve tblspace data
Sequential Scans Number of sequential scans of the tblspace
Percent Free Space Percent of the tblspace that is free
Pages Allocated Number of pages allocated to the tblspace
Pages Used Number of pages allocated to the tblspace that have been written
Data Pages Number of pages allocated to the tblspace that are used as data pages

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