Viewing AUS statements
You can view the UPDATE STATISTICS statements generated by the AUS maintenance system in the aus_cmd_list view before they are run and in the aus_cmd_comp view after they are run successfully. Both tables are in the sysadmin database.
You must be connected to the sysadmin database as user informix or
another authorized user.
To view all scheduled UPDATE STATISTICS statements, run this
SELECT * FROM aus_cmd_list;
To see all UPDATE STATISTICS statements that were run successfully in the previous 30 days, run this statement:
SELECT * FROM aus_cmd_comp;
To view all UPDATE STATISTICS statements that failed, run this statement:
SELECT aus_cmd_exe, aus_cmd_err_sql, aus_cmd_err_isam
FROM aus_command
WHERE aus_cmd_state = "E";
You can also see this information in the HCL OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix®.