Performance Guide
These topics describe how to configure and operate your HCL Informix® database server to improve overall system throughput and to improve the performance of SQL queries.
This information contains performance tuning issues and methods that are relevant to daily database server administration and query execution. Performance measurement and tuning encompass a broad area of research and practice and can involve information beyond the scope of this publication.
This information is intended for the following users:
- Database administrators
- Database server administrators
- Database-application programmers
- Performance engineers
This information assumes that you have the following background:
- A working knowledge of your computer, your operating system, and the utilities that your operating system provides
- Some experience working with relational databases or exposure to database concepts
- Some experience with database server administration, operating-system administration, or network administration
Information in these topics can help you perform the following
- Monitor the system resources that are critical to performance
- Identify database activities that affect these critical resources
- Identify and monitor queries that are critical to performance
- Use the database server utilities (especially onperf and onstat) for performance monitoring and tuning
- Eliminate performance bottlenecks by:
- Balancing the load on system resources
- Adjusting the configuration parameters or environment variables of your database server
- Adjusting the arrangement of your data
- Allocating resources for decision-support queries
- Creating indexes to speed up retrieval of your data
Performance measurement and tuning encompass a broad area of research and practice and can involve information beyond the scope of these topics.
These topics are taken from the IBM® Informix Performance Guide.