SQL definition of the RtreeInfo support function

Use the following CREATE FUNCTION SQL statement template to create the RtreeInfo support function after you write and compile the code:
CREATE FUNCTION rtreeInfo(UDT, pointer, pointer, pointer) 
  EXTERNAL NAME '$INFORMIXDIR/extend/bladedir/xxx.bld(funcname) 

In the statement template, the text UDT refers to user-defined type or the data type you want to index with the R-tree access method; bladedir refers to the name of your DataBlade module under the extend directory; xxx refers to the name of the shared object that contains the code for your DataBlade module; and funcname refers to the name of the function within the shared object that contains the code for the RtreeInfo function.

When you create the operator class with the CREATE OPCLASS statement, include the RtreeInfo support function in the eighth position, after the three required support functions Union, Size, and Inter, and the four optional bulk-loading support functions SFCbits, ObjectLength, SFCvalue, and SetUnion. If you do not provide the four optional bulk-loading support functions in your DataBlade module, specify NULL in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh positions in the CREATE OPCLASS statement.

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