Example of creating a strategy function
This example describes the SQL statement that registers the Contains strategy function with the database server. The sample C code to create the function is provided in Shapes3 sample DataBlade module; the example is based on the objects of the sample DataBlade module.
CREATE FUNCTION Contains (MyShape, MyShape)
EXTERNAL NAME "$INFORMIXDIR/extend/shapes.3.0/shapes.bld (MyShapeContains)"
The two parameters of the function are both of data type MyShape. The C function MyShapeContains, found in the shared object file $INFORMIXDIR/extend/Shapes.3.6/Shapes.bld, contains the actual C code that calculates whether the first object contains the second object. The statement specifies that the commutator of the Contains function is the Within function.
For the sample C code of the MyShapeContains function, see Contains strategy function. C code uses the DataBlade API to interact with the database server. Sample C code to implement the Overlap, Equal, and Within functions is also provided in that topic.
For more information about the DataBlade API, refer to the IBM® Informix DataBlade API Programmer's Guide.
For more information and examples about how to create user-defined functions, refer to IBM Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide.