
The syntax of the rtreeRootBB() function is:
execute function rtreeRootBB ( index_name, spatial_datatype );
The name of the R-tree index for which you want to find the coordinates of the root bounding box
The spatial data type of the column that is indexed with the R-tree index named index_name

If the R-tree index is fragmented, then the rtreeRootBB() function returns the union of the root bounding box for each index fragment.

The format of the return value of the rtreeRootBB() function is defined by the output function of the specified data type. The output function of the spatial data type is a user-defined routine that specifies how to convert between the internal representation of the data type to its external representation. This output function must be able to display the bounding box of the corresponding data type as well as the data type itself.

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