Strategies for audit analysis

The primary threat to database server security is unauthorized disclosure or modification of sensitive information. This section contains information about those and other threats that might be discovered through audit analysis.

Event failure

The audit records that indicate that an attempted database server operation failed are particularly important in audit analysis. The audit record can indicate, for example, that a user is attempting to give sensitive data to another user who does not have the correct UNIX permissions or Windows access privileges to access the data.

Event success

Failed operations are the most common indicators of a security problem in the audit trail. Somewhat harder to find, but of equal security importance, is any successful but unusual activity for a particular user.

For example, a user who repeatedly creates and drops databases might be attempting to discover and exploit a covert channel to relay sensitive information to an unauthorized process or individual. Watch for a marked increase in the occurrence of database server events that would typically occur infrequently during normal database server use.

Perhaps a particular user who has never granted privileges suddenly shows a great deal of activity in this area, or perhaps a user who has never written large amounts of data into a database begins to generate hundreds of new records. You must determine the extent of the abnormalities (for example, the number of objects that this user accessed) and the possible severity of the compromise (for example, the importance of the accessed objects).

Insider attack

An insider attack occurs when an authorized user with malicious intent obtains sensitive information and discloses it to unauthorized users. An unscrupulous user of this sort might not exhibit immediately recognizable signs of system misuse. Auditing is a countermeasure for this threat. Careful auditing might point out an attack in progress or provide evidence that a specific individual accessed the disclosed information.


Users who search through stored data to locate or acquire information without legitimate requirement are browsing. Browsers do not necessarily know of the existence or format of the information for which they are looking. Browsers usually perform a large number of similar queries, many of which might fail because of insufficient privileges. Auditing is a countermeasure for this threat. The behavior pattern makes browsers relatively easy to identify in the audit trail.


An aggregate is an accumulation of information that results from a collection of queries. An aggregate becomes a security threat when it comprises queries to objects that have little significance themselves but as a whole provide information that is considered more important than any component piece. The higher sensitivity of the aggregate results from the sensitivity of the associations among the individual pieces. Auditing is a countermeasure for this threat. As with browsing, careful auditing might point out an attack in progress or provide evidence that a specific individual accumulated the disclosed information.

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