Setting up the default and global masks

Before setting up default and global masks, the DBSSO must understand how the various masks work and what the implications are for different auditing instructions. Also, the DBSSO must understand which auditing events to place in which masks. For details, see Overview of auditing with the Informix secure auditing facility.

Use the onaudit utility to add audit events to audit masks. Audit event codes and fields lists the audit events and their codes. The onaudit utility: Configure audit masks shows the complete syntax for onaudit.

The following command shows how the Update Audit Mask and Delete Audit Mask audit events are added to the _default mask by their four-letter event codes:
onaudit -m -u _default -e +UPAM,DRAM

You can add audit events to the _require and _exclude masks in the same way. For specifics, see The onaudit utility: Configure audit masks.

All users who initiate a database session after this command is run (and auditing is turned on) are audited for the specified events.

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