Interpreting data extracted from audit records
When you create a database table to contain audit records that you extract from audit files, you provide a column for each field in the audit record. Table 1 lists recommended column names that are used in Creating a table for audit data and describes the information that each column contains.
Column Name | Description |
adttag | ONLN |
date_time | The date and time of the audited event |
hostname | The database server name |
pid | The process ID |
server | The database server name |
username | The username associated with the audited event |
errno | The error number, if any |
code | The error code, if any |
dbname | The name of the database |
tabid | The ID number of the affected table |
objname | The index name and the table name, or similar identifier (Not in audit tables created with Informix® database servers before Version 7.0) |
extra_1 | Information specific to the object and event, as shown in Audit event codes and fields |
partno | Fragmentation information (Not in audit tables created with Informix database servers before Version 7.0) |
row_num | The physical row number in the affected table, which combines the row ID and the old row ID and identifies each row for the events Read Row (RDRW), Insert Row (INRW), Update Current® Row (UPRW), and Delete Row (DLRW) |
login | The user login name |
flags | The flag set for the event, as shown in Audit event codes and fields |
extra_2 | Information determined by the flag. |