Security label component type: SET

Security label component type SET is used to represent a group of unordered elements.

A SET-type security label component consists of an unordered list of elements. There is no ranking or other relationship among elements in this type of component.

The maximum number of elements that can exist in a SET is 64. The value of a SET-type component in a security label can consist of one or more elements.

The following statement creates a SET-type security label component named function with three elements:
SET {'Developer', 'Administrative', 'Legal'};
When a SET component in the user label is compared to a SET component of a data label:
  • For read access, the IDSLBACREADSET rule lets the user label dominate when the SET component of the user security label includes all the elements of the value for the SET component of the data security label.
  • For write access, the IDSLBACWRITESET rule lets the user label dominate when the SET component of the user security label includes all the elements of the value for the SET component of the data security label.

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