Security label support functions
Security label support functions are expressions for manipulating security labels.
You typically use the security label support functions (SECLABEL functions) to specify a label in data-manipulation (DML) operations on protected table rows. In these operations, however, the security label support functions do not provide any more access to protected data than is already provided by your security credentials. There are three built-in functions for label-based access control in HCL Informix®:
- The SECLABEL_BY_NAME function provides a security label directly by specifying its name.
- The SECLABEL_BY_COMP function provides a security label directly by specifying its component values.
- The SECLABEL_TO_CHAR function returns a security label in the security label string format.
You can reference a security label with these functions by providing one of the following pieces of information:
- A name, as declared in the CREATE SECURITY LABEL or RENAME SECURITY LABEL statement.
- A list of values for each component of the security policy of the security label.
- An internal encoded value that the IDSSECURITYLABEL data type stores.
These functions can convert between the various forms of a security label.
See the IBM® Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for more information about and examples of security label support functions.