Rules for switching the user ID on a trusted connection

Specific rules apply to switching users on a trusted connection. Use the following rules to preserve security and auditing capability for trusted connections that are used by multiple users.

Table 1. Rules for switching users on a trusted connection, and potential errors related to the rules.
Switching Rule Related Errors
The switch request must be made on a transaction boundary. If the switch request is not made on a transaction boundary, the system rolls back the transaction, sends the switch request to the server for processing, drops the connection, and then returns an error message.

SQLCODE -30020

The switch request must not come from within a stored procedure. If the switch request is made from within a stored procedure, the system returns an error message indicating an invalid operation in the environment. The system does not drop the connection and can process subsequent requests.

SQLCODE -30090

The switch request must come from a user ID that is allowed on the trusted connection. If the switch request is made with an authorization ID that is not allowed on the trusted connection, the system drops the connection and returns an error message.

SQLCODE -32509

Trusted-connection requests from user IDs that require authentication to switch must provide a correct authentication token (password). If the trusted-context object requires authentication to switch the user ID, but the appropriate authentication token is not provided in the connection, the system drops the connection and returns an error message.

SQLCODE -26456

The trusted-context object used for a trusted connection must be enabled when a switch request is made. If the trusted-context object associated with the trusted connection is dropped or disabled and a switch request for that trusted connection is made, the system drops the connection and returns an error message.

SQLCODE -26456

The new, switched user ID must hold CONNECT privileges to the database. If the switch request is made with a user ID allowed on the trusted connection but that user ID does not hold CONNECT privilege on the database, then the system returns an error message, but does not drop the connection.


If the connection is dropped because of any of the issues previously described, the only requests acceptable by the system are:
  • A COMMIT statement
  • A ROLLBACK SQL statement
  • A DISCONNECT request
  • A CONNECT request

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