SNMP architecture

The architecture for the HCL Informix® implementation of SNMP depends on your operating system.

SNMP is incompatible on High-Availability Data Replication (HDR) secondary servers, remote standalone (RS) secondary servers, or shared disk (SD) secondary servers.

Informix SNMP architecture on UNIX

The following figure shows the SNMP architecture for Informix database servers on UNIX. Each managed workstation runs one master agent and one server discovery process. Each database server has one OnSNMP process.

Figure 1. Informix SNMP architecture on UNIX
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

Informix SNMP architecture on Windows

The following figure shows the SNMP architecture for Informix database servers on Windows. Each managed workstation runs one master agent. The master agent and the SNMP Network Manager use SNMP to communicate with each other. Each managed workstation runs one server discovery process and one infxsnmp.dll. One instance of the onsnmp subagent is started for each instance of Informix that runs on the managed workstation. OnSNMP and the master agent do not need to use SNMP to communicate with each other.
Figure 2. Informix SNMP architecture on Windows
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

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