Getting started with spatial data
The HCL Informix® spatial solution embeds a geographic information system (GIS) within the HCL Informix database server. The HCL Informix spatial data types integrate spatial and non-spatial data, providing a seamless point of access using SQL (Structured Query Language).
HCL Informix spatial data types implement the OpenGIS Consortium, Inc. (OpenGIS, or OGC) SQL3 specification of abstract data types (ADTs). These data types can store spatial data such as the location of a landmark, a street, or a parcel of land. HCL Informix spatial data types also conform to the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL Revision 1.1 and the ISO/IEC 13249-3 SQL/MM Part 3: Spatial. The Informix Spatial solution is based on the ESRI SDE Shape and PE libraries.
You use the ST_Overlaps() function to evaluate whether the polygon that represents the building footprint of the school overlaps the circular polygon that represents the 5-mile radius of a hazardous waste site. The building footprints of the school, hospital, and nursing home are stored in the ST_Polygon data type and the location of each hazardous waste site is stored in an ST_Point data type.