The SE_EnvelopesIntersect() function
The SE_EnvelopesIntersect() function returns t (TRUE) if the envelopes of two geometries intersect; otherwise, it returns f (FALSE).
SE_EnvelopesIntersect(g1 ST_Geometry, g2 ST_Geometry)
Return type
The get_window() function
retrieves the display window coordinates from the application. The
window parameter is actually a polygon shape structure containing
a string of coordinates that represents the display polygon. The SE_PolygonFromShape() function
converts the display window shape into a polygon that the SE_EnvelopesIntersect() function
uses as its intersection envelope. All sensitive_areas zone polygons
that intersect the interior or boundary of the display window are
returned. Each polygon is fetched from the result set and passed to
the draw_polygon() function:
/* Get the display window coordinates as a polygon shape. */
get_window(&query_shape_buf, &query_shape_len);
/* Create the SQL expression. The envelopesintersect function limits
* the result set to only those zone polygons that intersect the
* envelope of the display window. */
"select SE_AsShape(zone) ",
"from sensitive_areas where ",
/* Prepare the SQL statement. */
SQLPrepare(hstmt, (UCHAR *)sql_stmt, SQL_NTS);
/* Bind the query geometry parameter. */
pcbvalue1 = query_shape_len;
SQLBindParameter (hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_BINARY,
SQL_INFX_UDT_LVARCHAR, query_shape_len, 0,
query_shape_buf, query_shape_len, &pcbvalue1);
/* Execute the query. */
rc = SQLExecute(hstmt);
/* Assign the results of the query (the Zone polygons) to the
fetched_shape_buf variable. */
SQLBindCol (hstmt, 1, SQL_C_BINARY, fetched_shape_buf, 100000,
/* Fetch each polygon within the display window and display it. */
while (SQL_SUCCESS == (rc = SQLFetch(hstmt)))