
The geometries supported by the HCL Informix® spatial extension form a hierarchy, which is shown in the following diagram.

Figure 1. Spatial Java API geometry class hierarchy
The IfxGeometry class has a CoordRef class and two subclassed: IfxPoint and IfxMultiCoord. The IfxMultiCoord class has three subclasses: IfxLineString, IfxSurface, and IfxGeometryCollection. The IfxSurface class has one subclass: IfxPolygon. The IfxGeometryCollection has three subclasses: IfxMultiSurface, IfxMultiCurve, and IfxMultiPoint. The IfxMultiSurface class has one subclasee: IfxMultiPolygon. The IfxMultiCurve class has one subclass: IfxMultiLineString. The implementation helpers are CoordPoint and Envelope.
To create geometries, you can:
  • Use the GeometryFactory class, which generates geometry objects from their components.
  • Read geometries from the database by using spatial functions.

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