Column | Type | Explanation |
grantor | VARCHAR(32) | Name of the grantor of privilege |
grantee | VARCHAR(32) | Name of the grantee of privilege |
tabid | INTEGER | Value from systables.tabid for database object |
tabauth | CHAR(9) CHAR(8) | Pattern that specifies privileges on the table,
view, synonym, or sequence:
If the tabauth column shows a privilege code in uppercase (for example, S for Select), this indicates that the user also has the option to grant that privilege to others. Privilege codes listed in lowercase (for example, s for select) indicate that the user has the specified privilege, but cannot grant it to others.
A hyphen ( - ) indicates the absence of the privilege corresponding to that position within the tabauth pattern.
A tabauth value with an asterisk ( * ) means column-level privileges exist; see also syscolauth (page SYSINDEXES). (In DB-Access, the Privileges option of the Info command for a specified table can display the column-level privileges on that table.)
A composite index on tabid, grantor, and grantee allows only unique values. A composite index on tabid and grantee allows duplicate values.