The systabauth system catalog table describes each set of privileges that are granted on a table, view, sequence, or synonym. It contains one row for each set of table privileges that are granted in the database; the REVOKE statement can modify a row. The systabauth table has the following columns.
Table 1. SYSTABAUTH table column descriptions
Column Type Explanation
grantor VARCHAR(32) Name of the grantor of privilege
grantee VARCHAR(32) Name of the grantee of privilege
tabid INTEGER Value from systables.tabid for database object
tabauth CHAR(9) CHAR(8) Pattern that specifies privileges on the table, view, synonym, or sequence:
  • s or S = Select
  • u or U = Update
  • * = Column-level privilege
  • i or I = Insert
  • d or D = Delete
  • x or X = Index
  • a or A = Alter
  • r or R = References
  • n or N = Under privilege

If the tabauth column shows a privilege code in uppercase (for example, S for Select), this indicates that the user also has the option to grant that privilege to others. Privilege codes listed in lowercase (for example, s for select) indicate that the user has the specified privilege, but cannot grant it to others.

A hyphen ( - ) indicates the absence of the privilege corresponding to that position within the tabauth pattern.

A tabauth value with an asterisk ( * ) means column-level privileges exist; see also syscolauth (page SYSINDEXES). (In DB-Access, the Privileges option of the Info command for a specified table can display the column-level privileges on that table.)

A composite index on tabid, grantor, and grantee allows only unique values. A composite index on tabid and grantee allows duplicate values.

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