LVARCHAR(m) data type
Use the LVARCHAR data type to create a column for storing variable-length character strings whose upper limit (m) can be up to 32,739 bytes.
This limit is much greater than the VARCHAR data type, which is used for character strings that are no longer than 255 bytes.
The LVARCHAR data type is implemented as a built-in opaque data type. You can access LVARCHAR columns in remote tables by using distributed queries across databases of the same or different HCL Informix® instances.
By default, the database server interprets quoted strings as LVARCHAR types. It also uses LVARCHAR for input and output casts for opaque data types.
You cannot use the MEDIUM or HIGH options of the UPDATE STATISTICS statement to calculate distribution statistics on LVARCHAR columns.
Size specifications in LVARCHAR data type declarations can be affected by the SQL_LOGICAL_CHAR feature that is described in the section Logical Character Semantics in Character Type Declarations.
For more information about LVARCHAR, see the IBM® Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide.