Manipulating INTERVAL Values

You can add or subtract INTERVAL values only if both values are from the same class; that is, if both are year-month or both are day-time.

In the following example, a SECOND TO FRACTION value is subtracted from a MINUTE TO FRACTION value:

Result: INTERVAL (98:29.9905) MINUTE TO FRACTION(4)

The use of numeric qualifiers alerts the database server that the MINUTE and FRACTION in the first value and the SECOND in the second value exceed the default number of digits.

When you add or subtract INTERVAL values, the second value cannot have a field with greater precision than the first. The second INTERVAL, however, can have a field of smaller precision than the first. For example, the second INTERVAL can be HOUR TO SECOND when the first is DAY TO HOUR. The additional fields (in this case MINUTE and SECOND) in the second INTERVAL value are ignored in the calculation.

You can compare two INTERVAL values by using the mi_interval_compare() function.

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