CLIENT_LABEL environment variable

Set the CLIENT_LABEL environment variable in CSDK 4.10.xC10 or JDBC 4.10.JC10 client to assign a character string to CSDK or JDBC client session and identify that character string on the database server. You use this for environments where same userid runs multiple instances of the same application, and there is a need to distinguish one session from the other.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-onstat -g env--sesID----------------------------------------><

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-select * from sysenvses where envses_name = CLIENT_LABEL----><

CSDK Example

Suppose the CLIENT_LABEL is set to two different strings and the same esqlc program is executed with the session ids being 43 and 201:

bash-3.2$ export CLIENT_LABEL='csdk_client1'
bash-3.2$ ./myesqlc 

bash-3.2$ export CLIENT_LABEL='csdk_client2'
bash-3.2$ ./myesqlc
onstat -g env 43

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC10                                 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 23:01:39 -- 210712 Kbytes

Environment for session 43:

Variable            Value [values-list]
CLIENT_LABEL        cdsk_client2
CLIENT_LOCALE       en_US.8859-1

onstat -g env 201

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC10                                 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 23:02:41 -- 210712 Kbytes

Environment for session 201:

Variable            Value [values-list]
CLIENT_LABEL        cdsk_client1
CLIENT_LOCALE       en_US.8859-1
select * from sysenvses where envses_name = 'CLIENT_LABEL'

envses_sid    201
envses_id     9
envses_name   CLIENT_LABEL
envses_value  cdsk_client1

envses_sid    43
envses_id     9
envses_name   CLIENT_LABEL
envses_value  cdsk_client2

2 row(s) retrieved.

Database closed.

JDBC Example

Suppose the CLIENT_LABEL is set to two different strings in the JDBC connection URL and the same JDBC program is executed with the session ids being 232 and 234:

java myjdbc "jdbc:informix-sqli://myhost:52220:user=myuser;password=mypasswd;CLIENT_LABEL=jdbc_client1"

java myjdbc "jdbc:informix-sqli://myhost:52220:user=myuser;password=mypasswd;CLIENT_LABEL=jdbc_client2"
onstat -g env 232
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC10                                 -- On-Line -- Up 6 days 00:56:26 -- 210712 Kbytes

Environment for session 232:

Variable            Value [values-list]
CLIENT_LABEL        jdbc_client1
CLIENT_LOCALE       en_US.8859-1

onstat -g env 234

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC10                                 -- On-Line -- Up 6 days 00:56:59 -- 210712 Kbytes

Environment for session 234:

Variable            Value [values-list]
CLIENT_LABEL        jdbc_client2
CLIENT_LOCALE       en_US.8859-1
Database selected.

select * from sysenvses where envses_name = 'CLIENT_LABEL'

envses_sid    234
envses_id     9
envses_name   CLIENT_LABEL
envses_value  jdbc_client2

envses_sid    232
envses_id     9
envses_name   CLIENT_LABEL
envses_value  jdbc_client1

2 row(s) retrieved.

Database closed.

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