AS grantor Clause

The AS grantor clause of the GRANT FRAGMENT statement can specify the grantor of the privilege. You can use this clause only if you have the DBA privilege on the database. When you include the AS grantor clause, the database server lists the user or role who is specified as grantor as the grantor of the privilege in the grantor column of the sysfragauth system catalog table.

In the next example, the DBA grants the Delete privilege on the fragment of the customer table in the part3 fragment to user martha, and uses the AS grantor clause to specify that user jack is listed in sysfragauth as the grantor of the privilege:
GRANT FRAGMENT DELETE ON customer (part3) TO martha AS jack;

One effect of the AS grantor clause in the previous example is that user jack can execute the REVOKE FRAGMENT statement to cancel the Delete fragment-level privilege that martha holds, if this GRANT FRAGMENT statement were the only source of the fragment authority of martha on the customer rows in part3.

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